Tuesday, August 08, 2006

military service... and the lies therein

why does the military lie to us? i'm not talking about "top secret" missions or what is really going on in the middle east. i'm talking about the comercials on television that try and entice people to sign up. they say that you'll be training near home show images of what i'm assuming are actors portraying the men and women that have signed up all smiling and happy and helping their community. that's great and all but what they don't even hint at is the fact that once your training is done you'll (95% chance) be shipped over seas. now if you agree with the fighting going on that's fine and dandy however, what about those kids who's parents work their asses off wishing they could give they child all the money they make to pay for school to give them all the chances they can. what about him. that's all i want to know. i ask this because i have a friend in that exact situation. he feels that all of the fighting is doing nothing more than making the US look bad and encouraging the insurgents to keep fighting for their beliefs. all he wanted to do was become a teacher and the army said they could do that. he knows he signed a contract and he has a duty, but is his life really worth the cost of an education? that's the question i feel all people signing up for the military should ask themselves.


Blogger Shem said...

I saw an advert for the national guard. Apparantly if you join you get a free itunes movie download. wow. Makes me want to get up and join right this minute. All those adverts about how the national guard save people from tornados or rescue kids from flood waters... nothing altruistic about it at all. They just want a free itunes music download. S'true.

7:11 PM  
Blogger Paulcifer said...

well we all know how "valuable" itunes is to the free world. i do find it interesting that the national guard, a force put in place to guard our nation is being shipped to another one... funny how that works out...

4:51 AM  

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